今天,一名年輕母親清晨帶5歲兒子到店屋樓下走廊等候校車時,遭 一名戴头盔男子双手举起企图掳走,母親顽强抗匪保住兒子,但失掉 一台手机。据了解,男童母亲见儿子落入歹徒手中,一手將對方推开 ,歹徒竟紧捉她的左手腕,欲強行把她拖到道路;男童机警地立即跑 回店屋楼上住处保命。母亲在抵抗过程中,拿起手機往歹徒身上猛打 ,大声呼叫至失声,惊动洗衣店老板挺身相助,歹徒才放手,在逃逸 時更亮刀恐吓事主勿再追捕,否则伤人索命。
家长们,最近的治安不好,要多多注意孩子们的安全。请勿让孩子在 校门外等待车子。
Dear parents, pleased be informed that recently, there have been many cases of robbery and the latest is kidnapping. The latest incident is where a boy was almost kidnapped. Thank God that the boy managed to escape. Therefore, parents are advised to always take precaution when sending children to & from school.